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This means you get into better shape. But you will eventually find that with a full body workout there is not enough time to do everything you need to do to continue to allow your body to make progress. The workout becomes longer and longer and what you do near the end of your session gets neglected or deleted. Or, If soyou continue, t if not, get to start thetwobecause way split. With this program you will be able to devote adequate attention to all parts of your body so everything gets exercised thoroughly.
The full body routine can be used for a while if you are coming back to regular exercise after a layoff. It's also a good compromise routine whenyou are traveling and don't have the time or energy to train hard. Elements of Good Form 1.
Negatives should always be slower than positives. Range of motion: Concentrate on moving the weight through the pathway where you feel a pump in the muscles you are working.
Breathe: Inhale and exhale on each repetition, do not hold your breath. Count each repetition to yourself. Rhythm: Each repetition should be rhythmic, smooth and not jerky. Stretch between each set, at least 15 seconds. The better your form, the more shapely your muscles will develop.
Each exercise you perform in your routine is meant to isolate a specific area. If you cheat and use loose form, the effect of the exercise becomes more global and is spread over a wider area of the body.
Doing cheating barbell curls can work your lower back and deltoids more than your biceps. So use only enough weight to feel it directly in the muscle. Muscles only need so much weight to develop. Using extremely heavy weights stresses joints, tendons, and ligaments more than it develops the muscles. Everyone knows it's easier to lower a weight than to lift it. This is due to gravity. If you lower your weights quickly you lose the muscle building effect of the negative. The negative is the eccentric part of the movement where the muscle fibers stretch back to normal.
If you resist gravity by doing your negatives more slowly, you will stimulate the muscles more deeply and induce more growth. The positive or lifting part of an exercise has in the past been considered the most important part of an exercise movement. So bodybuilders did fast negatives so they could lift more on the positive phase.
This did build muscle but, as I found out after training this way for some years, can lead to injury. Doing faster negatives, bouncing the weight each rep can throw the weight out of the groove and you can cause pain. Slower negatives keep the weight in the correct pathway more efficiently lessening the chance of injury.
Slower negatives make lighter weights feel heavier, so you don't have to use a ton of eight to build muscles. The positive phase of a repetition should be done with enough force to bring the weight to the end of the range of movement you want on the exercise. During the first few reps of a set, this may not mean too much effort, but for the last few reps it usually does.
If all your positives are easy, as in super slow rep training with higher repetitions, you lose the effectiveness of the negative because you don't use a heavier weight on the positive. This means your negative will naturally be lighter and build less muscle. If you are using heavier weights that only allow a few positive reps I don't recommend it at this stage of the program your positives will naturally be slower because it's harder to push or pull the heavier weight.
Do your positives in a controlled explosive fashion, with just enough force to go to completion, then do a slower negative. In order to isolate a muscle you are working sometimes it is necessary to do partial repetitions. A good example of this is the front pulldown.
If you extend your arms fully, locking out the elbows, you transfer the effect of the exercise from lats to deltoids. Since you are doing front pulldowns to work your lats, don't bring your deltoids into the equation by extending your arms fully. You'll get a better pump in your lats if you do pulldowns this way. A pump is a swe ll fee ling in your muscles. You should be able to get a pump on every exercise you perform in your workout. Pumping up your muscles and looking into the mirror at a new you is like looking into the future of your body.
You need to learn to send massive blood flows into localized areas of the body to induce a sufficient catabolic state that when rested and repaired results in new muscular development.
There a tendency to hold your catch breathyourself when lifting a heavy Avoid immediately. If you holding yourweight. I believe that since the body instinctively knows how to breath by itself, you do not need to impose artificial breathing constraints.
Just breath freely and don't hold your breath. Pay attention to the sensations your body is feeling as you do each repetition in good form; this is done against a background of counting each repetition.
You can discern the muscle developing experience of a bodybuilder by the way he does his repetitions. Each rep is rhythmic, controlled in a piston-like fashion. One's attention is entirely on the performance of the exercise, nothing else exists, you become one with the movement. Advanced martial artists know what I'm talking about.
You are not separate from what you do. Stretching Stretching between sets will double the effectiveness of your workout. Since you have to rest anyway between sets, stretching is a perfect way to fill this time gap. When you stretch don't force it, just relax into the stretch slowly without bouncing, hold it for 15 seconds breathing normally, then come out of the stretch slowly, ready for your next set.
The stretch involves the muscles you are working and gives these muscles more of a pump. Think or say the breathing mantra "I am flexible and can stretch my limits.
When it is done, it is usually at the beginning of the workout. There is nothing wrong with this, it's a good idea to begin each workout by stretching, you got to get blood flowing in the muscles you are going to work with weights, it's a great warm up.
But continue your stretching throughout your entire workout. Be sure to stretch immediately after each and every set. Some people like stretching antagonistic muscles during a workout. For example, after chest work instead of doing doorway stretch they might do 2 arm lat stretch. I have no objection to this, but do prefer to stretch the working muscles because it gives a better pump.
It's hard to stretch too much. Just don't do ballistic bouncing stretching because you can injure yourself with this. Once you reach your fully stretched position you should hold it for 15 seconds, the stretch becomes static.
Be gentle and your flexibility will gradually improve. When you are sore the next day after a workout do some stretching. Stiff in the morning when you get out of bed? Try taking a hot shower followed by stretching. Swimming is also a good activity on days between workouts because of the relaxing stretching effect it has on the body.
I'm not talking about fast competitive swimming. Here's a list of the stretches and the areas of the body they affect: Calf Stretch Stand on a step or calf block and hold heels in the down position at first with knees slightly bent, then straighten knees and feel the pull in your calves.
One Leg Up Stretch Prop up your foot on an elevated bench how much elevation depends on your lower back and hamstring flexibility - I go about 3 to 4 feet off the floor. Lock the knee and lean slightly forward and feel it in the hamstrings, buttocks, and lower back. One Leg Back Stretch With body in an upright position, bend your lower leg backward at the knee, grab your ankle and try to touch your heel to your buttock on the same side. This really loosens up the front of the knee and stretches the quadriceps, or frontal thigh muscles.
Two Arm Lat Stretc h Grasp a vertical bar with both hands about waist height and feet placed inward near the bar. Bend forward at the waist and let your butt stick out in the back pulling gently with each arm.
Feel the effect in your lower back, shoulders, and biceps. One Arm Lat Stret ch Stand sideways to a vertical bar and grasp the bar with your lower hand about 3 feet above the floor and pull. With your other upper hand push against the bar. This gives the lower lat the one attached to the lower hand you are pulling with a tremendous stretch. Reverse foot position and repeat with the other hand.
This is a great stretch to do immediately after one-arm dumbbell row. One Arm Shoulder Stretc h This is a good one to start your upper body workout with.
Begin by stretching both arms overhead as far as your can reach, bending backward a bit. Then grab your right elbow ith your left hand and pull straight backward. Next, grab left elbow with right hand and pull. This really gets the shoulders and the triceps as well. I always do this one before and after pullovers and one-arm dumbbell triceps extension. Doorway Stretch Stand in an opening, wider than a doorway if possible like a power rack or a Smith Machine, hold each side of the vertical bar and lean forward with arms straight.
Let your bodyweight pull you forward and feel it stretch your front deltoids, upper pecs, and biceps. Rear D eltoid Stretc h Bend one arm at the elbow and pull the elbow around in front of your neck with your opposite hand.
Then do the same with other arm. You should really feel this stretch in the rear deltoids, a small portion of the upper lats and triceps and contraction in the front deltoids Arms Back Stretc h Bend forward at the waist and with arms straight push them as far backward as you can.
Feel it in the triceps and rear deltoids. Arnold used to walk around the gym doing this stretch between sets of triceps work. Pronated Arms Back Stretch This is the same stretch as above, but in addition, turn your thumbs up in the air pronation and feel it in the lower biceps and forearms.
Zane Nutrition You'll never years get inago shape you"You eat right. Well maybe you not. It's up to you. I'd rather eat right and train less than this. Most of my life occurs outside of the gym. The first step in a good nutrition program is to clean up your diet by minimizing or better yet, eliminating the following foods. In general they are in the category of fast foods or junk foods, containing excess fat and sugar, refined and lacking in fiber.
Here's a list: Bread The kind you buy in a super market which is refined and lacking in fiber. Doesn't matter if it says "whole wheat" if you can squeeze it into a ball, you don't want to eat this mush. Up to two slices of high fiber bread a day, the kind that will break or crumble hen squeezed is OK.
I personally eat one slice of sprouted flaxseed bread most days ith breakfast. Potatoes An occasional baked potato is ok. I have one a week and scoop a little of the white out of the inside and fill it with my wife's broccoli.
Mashed potatoes, French fries, hash browns, home fries are out. Pasta Nothing will get you fatter than a big bowl of pasta for your evening meal. If you must eat any of the above foods have small amounts early in the day. The best time is right after your workout with a little bit of protein. Bread, potatoes, white rice, and pasta all have a very high glycemic index. This means your body turns them into sugar very quickly when you eat them, causing a rapid rise in blood glucose.
As a result your pancreas secretes large amounts of insulin this is called an "insulin spike" to absorb the blood sugar intothe muscles.
Eating these and the foods that follow throughout the day leads to formation of excess body fat. The only time you want to spike your insulin is within a half hour after your workout. Then the result is glycogen storage and the creation of an anabolic condition allowing for better recovery from orkouts and more muscle growth. Research shows a ratio of carb to protein of 4 to 1 gives the best effect.
Glycemic index or GI is a numerical system ranging from 1 to which measures how much of a rise in circulating blood sugar a carbohydrate triggers. The higher the GI the greater the blood sugar response. A low GI food will cause a small rise, while a high GI food will induce a dramatic blood sugar spike. A GI of 70 or more is considered high, a GI of 55 or less is low.
Glycemic load or GL gives a more complete picture than glycemic index alone. GI tells you how rapidly a particular carbohydrate turns into sugar but doesn't tell you how much of that carbohydrate is in a serving of a particular food. You need to eat smaller servings of foods with a high glycemic index so you don't spike your blood sugar. Watermelon, for example has a high glycemic index but a low glycemic load.
A GL of 20 or more is considered high, a GL of 10 or less is low. For a comprehensive list of the GI and GL of foods log on to www. So when you eat carbs, even those with a high glycemic index, combine them with protein especially after a workout to lower the GI. If you eat carbs alone, use them as a chaser for free form amino acids.
The insulin secreted helps the aminos absorb. Eat smaller portions of carbs with a high glycemic load GL. Other foods to cross off your list of regular eating ispizza lots of refined carbs and saturated fat ; breakfast cereals refined starch flakes with added sugar ;instant oatmeal a bowl of mush with little fiber - the best oatmeal is the thicker flaked variety like rolled oats, mother's oats, or oat groats ; ice cream has a low glycemic index but is high in calories, sugar and fat ; pancakes starch usually smeared with potato chips high glycemic index starch with lots of salt ; sugary butter ; pe anut syrup butt e rand small amounts aren't too bad, but most people eat too much - best not to keep it in the house ;Mexican food a combination of starch and lard ;dried fruit dates, raisins have a very high glycemic index.
Of course if you use small amounts ith protein like cottage cheese you lower this index ;fruit juice has a high glycemic index, but is ok when mixed with a protein powder - eating the whole fruit which contains fiber to slow down the absorption of the sugar is much better, and a good laxative since fruit has a short colon transit time ;milk a good source of calcium but has one and a half times more sugar lactose in it than protein.
A small amount of milk, especially the low carb milks on the market today, in a protein drink is ok when sipped slowly. Candy lots of calories from fat and sugar , pastries lots of starch, fat, and sugar ,soft drinks carbonated sugar water, diet colas are the worst because the phosphoric acid they contain can dissolve bone calcium.
Watch out for diet sodas that contain caffeine too. Beer and wine do have food value but if you can't just have an occasional drink you shouldn't drink at all.
Hard liquor has no food value. Mixed drinks contain sugar on top of the hard liquor, lots of calories. There is no way you can get in shape if you drink a lot.
Alcohol has 7 calories per gram, fat has 9, protein and carbs 4 calories per gm. Watch out forexce ss sal t in your diet, more than 2 grams a day is not recommended. Avoid use of white sugar in beverages, better to use the artificial stuff if you don't use a lot, Splenda is probably the best one. Although it contains caffeine, both black and green tea are good for you because they are anti-oxidants.
Moderate amounts of coffee seem OK, but only when consumed with food or after a meal. Caffeine stimulates muscle contraction, and the oils in coffee tend to kill hunger especially after a meal. My diet is usually so austere that I allow myself two cups of coffee a day, one in the morning and another late afternoon.
If you like the taste of coffee but o yur body is too sensitive to caffeine, use decaf made with freshly ground beans.
You don't have to be a fanatic to g et into good shape, but you do have to eat sensibly. If you eat too much of the above foods, make up for it the next day by eating very little. Don't fall victim to fallacious reasoning like "Since I went off my diet, I might as well stay off it for a while and really indulge myself".
If you go off your diet do so for only one meal, then get right back to eating right. You can do more cardio and abdominal training also to compensate. As you grow older your should eat fewer calories but more nutritionally dense calories.
Research shows that animals fed calorie restricted diets live longer than those ho eat normal amounts of food. An explanation given is if you eat less you simply secrete less insulin and too much insulin can be problematic.
So eat less, live longer, there will be less of you to carry around. One way to do this is to supplement your diet ith vitamins, minerals, enzymes, essential fatty acids, protein supplements, and free form amino acids. More details about that later in the book. Here's a typical day of eating for me: Upon arising- 6 to 7 am I ingest free form amino acids, especially L-arginine, and follow with a small piece of fruit.
Breakfast is usually an hour later. My typical morning meal is two hard boiled eggs sliced in half, placed on a slice of sprouted flaxseed toast covered with low or non fat cream cheese, with a sprinkling of walnuts stuck to the cream cheese. I eat this between sips of coffee. Lunch is during late morning, not later than noon, and I have six ounces of low carb yogurt with a scoop two heaping tablespoons of egg white protein mixed in.
Early dinneris around 3 to 4 pm and is some combination of meat chicken, turkey, beef, fish, pork, any kind of lean meat and one vegetable or salad. During t he e arly eve ning not later than 9 pm I have something similar to lunch, i.
Before bed I ingest a few grams of L-tryptophan or up to 10 mg of melatonin followed by a small piece of fruit. I sleep soundly. Every fourth day I eat more carbs to bring my total consumption up to match my protein intake, i. I may not wait until the fourthday if I have a hard workout coming up.
When I do, I eat half of my daily carb intake right after my workout to spike my insulin and put my body in an anabolic condition. Of course this does vary from time to time, but this is how it averages out. Keep a F ood Journal The fist step in determining how many calories you should eat daily is to learn how much you have been eating.
Get yourself a notebook which now becomes your food ournal. Write down everything you eat. The rule is if you eat it you must write it down. Estimate the portion size and look up the values of protein, carbohydrate, and fat grams in a little booklet you can buy in any large bookstore. Do this for ten days, add up your total, let's say it'saverage 25, calories, then per move theThis decimal oneofplace to the left, showing that you calories day. And if you ant to lose body fat you will need to reduce this amount.
I've found 10 to 12 calories per pound of desired bodyweight is a good amount. If you are a vegetarian it is essential that you get enough protein in your diet if you want to stay muscular and not get flabby.
It takes more thanbeans and rice to build muscle. Eliminating flesh consumption should be compensated by adding food supplements that are not from animal sources.
Lacto-ovo vegetarians have it easier, they can consume eggs and diary products, which are the two best sources of protein anyway. But vegans have a real challenge. Protein supplements like egg white, whey, and caesinate are out. It is essential that vegans consume free form amino acids with their carbohydrate meals.
Free form amino acids are not animal products but are biologically engineered through a sophisticated fermentation process. Free form means not bound to a protein molecule, but existing singularly. They do not require digestion and are taken up almost instantly bythe body. Of course if you are a junk food vegetarian there may be no hope for you. Some authority once told me that the average person eats from a selection of 12 recipes. So if you are living on a dozen selections make sure they are healthy.
Another factor to consider is ease of preparation. Eating out at restaurants isn't such a good idea if you want to get in top shape. You can order anything you want and eat unlimited portions. We don't tempt ourselves by eating out more not than twice a week. When e do we go to the same restaurants which have proven themselves to us and order the same thing.
You'll save a lot of money by eating at home use the extra bucks to buy food supplements and get to choose the best ingredients. And you'll be more motivated to eat at home if the preparation is simple. So here are some of our favorite recipes from which you can choose your top Easy Recipes Multi-Grain Cereal This takes a little preparation but it is worth it.
Buy oat grouts, barley pearls, and rye grain at a health food store. The next morning you will find that the grains have absorbed the water, so add another few ounces and bring to a slow boil and cook for about 20 minutes. This is one of the best carbohydrate mixtures I've ever eaten and often have it on my higher carb days.
It's excellent as part of breakfast or after a orkout with protein. Scrambled Eggs with c heese Many people suffer from cholesterol phobia and are afraid to eat whole eggs.
So they throw away the yolk which contains valuable sulfur bearing amino acids like methionine, choline, and lecithin as well as cholesterol and cook only the white. This cuts the protein of the egg down from 6 grams to only 3 grams. This is one reason I developed my own Egg White Protein. Eggs are expensive enough, why waste them? Eggs for breakfast provide some fat in the diet which is useful in retarding morning hunger.
This how I do it: Spray a Teflon frying pan with Pam, and turn on the heat. After about 30 seconds add a slice of Swiss Alpine Lace Cheese the best high protein reduced fat cheese I know and let it melt. As it melts add a sprinkling of jalapeno or Tabasco sauce, then crack open 2 to 3 eggs and stir them in. Cook until you have the desired consistency I like mine "soft'.
Hi Prote in Pa ncakes Mix a half cup of oat bran with 6 ounces of yogurt and a cup of blended fruit apples, peaches, berries are delicious , then add a scoop of egg white protein in a blender and mix until you have aonthick inch diameter circles Pam sprayed Teflon pan, brown eachpaste. Pour They three are delicious. You can addon a to little low fat cream cheese or some trans fatty acid free butter or a little honey to taste. We always keep a supply of hard boiled eggs in our refrigerator.
Christine cooks up a dozen at a time. She puts them in a large pot, fills it with water and brings it to a boil. Then the heat gets turned off and the pot is covered with a lid for a half hour. The eggs are then taken out of the water and allowed to cool a bit before they are placed in the refrigerator in a bowl.
Cooking eggs this way gives the yolk a creamy texture and the hite a non rubbery feel. Crack them all over and run cold water over them when peeling, it's easy.
They make a good snack during the day. Tuna with hard boiled egg Tuna with a hard boiled egg was my lunch most days when I taught school. The preparation was simple. Open a can of water packed white albacore tuna, squeeze out the water, put Smart into aBeat smallisplastic add a tablespoon or egg 2 ofon non fatto break mayonnaise a goodcontainer, brand , and put a hard boiled top open when you are ready to eat.
You can add some alfalfa sprouts for taste and texture. Fish Ste w Fish stew is a recipe I prepare when I'm in a lazy mood and don't want to spend more than 5 minutes making lunch or dinner. Open a can of Minestrone chicken with wild rice or chicken noodle soup, put in a sauce pan, add a can of drained water pack white albacore tuna, a few drops of jalapeno or Tabasco sauce and heat for a few minutes, stopping short of a boil. You can microwave this mixture too, but I think it tastes better cooked.
Then put a slice of Swiss Alpine Lace Cheese on top. You've got a meal containing over 50 grams of protein, 25 grams of carbs, and very little fat in very little time. Roas ted Bee f Buy a big piece of beef roast and put in a large baking pan sprayed with Pam.
Before you bake it fry each side of the meat until brown. Then put it in your oven and cook at to degrees for a good 3 to 4 hours, the longer the more tender. We love this dish, which provides us with meat for salads and sandwiches for days. Served with a vegetable like green beans micro waved a few minutes or a salad with raspberry vinaigrette dressing makes a fortifying meal.
Turkey with Mushrooms Turkey with mushrooms is a quick meal, you can also substitute a sliced up sirloin steak, lean ground sirloin, or chicken. Spray a pan with Pam, heat for 30 seconds, then add a bunch of slicked mushrooms, and you can add chopped onions too if you have some on hand. Then add the meat along with a little Worcestershire sauce, and toss it around with a Teflon spoon as it cooks. Just brown the meat and it's ready to eat. M icrowaved chicken brea sts or t highs Microwaved chicken breasts or thighs is a quick meal.
Just place a few of them frozen on a plate covered with plastic wrap and microwave for three minutes. Add your favorite vegetable or salad and you have a very quick lunch or dinner. It makes a great sandwich too, I put a slice of Swiss Alpine Lace Cheese in there on sprouted flaxseed toast. Christine gets the normal size and we share.
This particular salad has chunks of blue cheese mixed in with oil and vinegar dressing. I take a few chitosan capsules before eating to lessen the fat absorption. Squash Casserole Squash casserole is a delicious vegetarian dish that can be prepared in under an hour. Pour this mixture into a casserole dish sprayed ith Pam and bake in an oven at degrees for 45 minutes until golden brown on top. Turkey or ground sirloin burgers with zucchini Spray a George Foreman grille with Pam, place two ground turkey burgers and zucchini sliced length wise, close and cook for about 10 minutes.
If you are cooking sirloin, keeping the top of the grill open and flipping the burgers after 6 minutes will not cook the inside and give you medium rare meat. Cottage cheese, fresh fruit and nuts How simple is that, just mix it all together.
Add a little egg white protein to boost the protein grams. This is a quick and easy snack. Yogurt Berry Pudding Microwave a dozen frozen strawberries or mixed berries for about one minute, add a 6 ounce container of low carb yogurt and a heaping scoop of egg white protein. I often add a teaspoon of calcium caesinate the slowest assimilating milk protein to this mixture. Your Workout Diary You should be writing down everything you eat in your food journal.
You can use your food journal as your workout diary as well. Keep track of your total number of sets and how long it took you to do the workout. When you use a heavier weight on the last set of an exercise or do more reps with the same weight put a star by the exercise. By scoring stars on one third of your exercises you will get bigger and stronger over time.
Next time you do the same workout score your stars on different exercises, this way all of your body will grow. This is called the Weight Star Method. When you want to get more definition, strive to do the same amount of sets in your workout in a little less time.
This is called the Time Star Method. I use both methods; the weight star until I reach the size I want o t be weights should be increased very gradually , and then switch to the time star method, keeping the same weights I've built up to but doing the same number of sets in less time even a minute less - or you can do an extra set or two in the same amount of time. The 2 Way Split Routine As your body acclimates to training harder and you get in better shape, you will want to move up to the two way split routine.
I've done two major variations of this workout plan over the years: Torso one workout, arms and legs the next workout; and upper body one day, legs the next day. In both programs abdominals and cardio are done each orkout. By dividing your body into two parts, you will be able to do more exercises for each body part and as a result gain more development.
Each of these two way split routines has different advantages. It's just too hard on the shoulders in the long run. If you are young, say under 40, you may not have issues with your joints yet, but if you keep training upper body several days in a row, eventually you will. It happened to me. Every time you do any upper body work your shoulders get exercised and over time stay sore, get injured, develop bursitis, Any body part needs rest to grow, so never train upper body two days in a row.
If you choose to work arms and legs one day and torso back, chest, and shoulders the next, make sure youtake a rest day between workouts. Training three days a week will enable your upper body to recuperate, because when you work arms you also work shoulders. However if you choose to train upper body one day and legs the next, you can train several days in a row because your shoulders don't get worked on leg day unless you're doing heavy barbell squats with bar on shoulders.
If you are working this latter variation of the two way split routine, you might train upper body on Mondays and Thursdays, and legs with more cardio and ab work on Tuesdays and Fridays. The upper body workouts will be longer, this is one disadvantage, because you have back, chest, shoulders, biceps, triceps, forearms six bodyparts to work; whereas on leg day you have thighs and calves. When doing a two way split routine, I personally prefer to work upper body one day and legs with more ab and cardio work the next.
This way my upper body and shoulders get a good rest. Training upper body one day and legs the next is a good way for women to train as ell. Women generally want to spend more time on hip and thigh work, because this is the area fat accumulates on most women. This is due to the fact that their body center of gravity is lower since they don't have the upper body muscle mass men do. So fat tends to accumulate at the center, in men it's the midsection, in women it's the hips and upper thighs.
Consequently women can spend more time working thighs and doing cardio on the leg days. Another reason I favor this routine is I like to keep the blood in one area during a orkout.
When you work arms, then legs, the circulation has to move away from arms and go to legs. I prefer to let the pump stay in a specific area during the workout, it's given me better results. Here's the routine with stretches, upper body day one and lower body day two: UPPER BODY Front Pulldown For upper lats 12 reps 2 arm lat stretch Increase weight 10 reps Stretch again Pullover with Dumbbell Ribcage and serratus 12 reps 1 arm shoulder stretch Increase weight do 10 reps Stretch again Low Cable Ro w Let your upper body follow the weight forward and lean slightly backward as you pull the weight to ribcage and squeeze your shoulder blades together.
Feel it in your low central lats. Bending forward more will make you feel the effect more in your lats and you will be able to raise the weights higher. Turn the back ends of the dumbbells upward as you raise them. With light dumbbells: Do 15 reps Rear delt stretch Increase weights slightly and do 12 reps Stretch again 1 Arm Dumbbe ll Row Holding on to the dumbbell rack in the space provided by the missing dumbbell, lean into the rack with knees slightly bent and distributing your bodyweight evenly.
Let dumbbell stretch all the way down to the floor without touching it and then bring it up to touch the side of your ribcage just below the pec.
This exercise when combined with one arm lat stretch is the best way to pop out the lower outer lats. Keep end of dumbbell turned slightly upward and raise it only to the ear and no further than the top o your head. Lower the dumbbells slowly while rotating them so palms are facing you when they reach your shoulders.
As men age fat tends to accumulate around the nipple. This exercise cleans up this area. Do 12 reps, then doorway stretch, increase weights slightly, do 10 reps and stretch again. Do not touch the dumbbells together at the top but stop when they are about 12 inches apart and tense the pecs.
Because you are leaning forward the biceps experience peak contraction at the very top of the curl. If you were standing straight up or leaning back you'd lose tension at the top of the curl and this is not conducive for biceps development.
Hold the dumbbells at the top for a second then start the negative very slowly and go slow all the way down. Keep upper arms close to the body and push down without touching the bar to your thighs. Lock out the elbows, hold for one second, then return with a slow negative to start. Do 12 reps, arms back stretch, increase weight, 10 reps, and stretch again.
Another variety of this exercise is "skull crushers' where the bar is lowered to touch the forehead, thereby not giving a full stretch to the triceps.
This method is harder on the elbows and works the outer triceps more. You can use straps as in the photos to make it easy on your grip or use the popular Absrcionals upper arm supports for more comfort. The exercise gives good traction to the lower back and defines the upper quadriceps.
I like to super set sets of 30 reps with sets of 30 to 50 reps of Crunches see page 8 , do several such super sets and then finish off with Seated twist see page 8 The system of sets and reps is the same as for the full body routine.
Choose a weight that will allow only 12 repetitions in good form, stretch for 15 seconds immediately after you finish your first set, increase the weight on your second set, stretch 15 seconds, move on to the next exercise. For abs do two sets of 25 to 30 repetitions on each exercise, super setting a super set means you do two exercises in a row without resting between them hanging knee up 25 reps, no to rest, seated 25 reps easynoone, you'll have the stamina gocrunches back and25 do reps, 25 reps on twist hanging knee it's up an again, rest,so25 crunches, no rest 25 reps seated twist.
It's OK if you have to pace yourself with a little bit of rest between exercises at first, but as you continue you want to cut down on the rest periods between sets. This creates an aerobic effect with your ab work, which is especially good at the end of this workout.
Follow the ab workout with 12 to 15 minutes on treadmill or stationary bike or elliptical trainer, or 5 minutes on arowing machine. Just rowing to meters a session will tighten up your waistline and strengthen your lower back and work your entire body as well. This is a great device for men and a good investment for the home. LOWER BODY Whereas you can do the upper body routine with a minimum of equipment, just an adjustable flat to incline bench, dumbbells and a lat machine, for leg work you need a bit more.
Especially if you want to do a lot of thigh work from different angles. You need decent machines to work your legs, a leg extension and leg curl machine at the very least. These are the best two exercises to shape the front thighs and hamstrings. Here's the problem: any combination unit that features both of these exercises will be a compromise, i.
It might be best to go to a health studio. A word of advice: you don't need to do heavy squats or leg presses unless you want to build your thighs. Women who want to reduce hips and thighs should not do these exercises. If they do them for shaping the thighs they should be performed at the end of the thigh routine. The Leg Blaster is the best way to squat no matter what your leg intentions are.
It takes stress off lower back and knees when done correctly and you don't need a lot of weight to get results. A great home gym for legs could be the V-1 machine and the Leg Blaster, you won't find either one of these in commercial gyms.
But you'll find other machines you can use: leg extension, leg curl, Smith Machine for strict squatting, incline leg press for full leg work and calf raises, hip machine for inner and outer thigh work. Here's the routine: Abs Superset Leg raise 3 sets of 25 to 30 reps Crunches 3 sets of 25 to 30 reps Seated twist - 50 to reps after first 2 exercises Thighs Leg extension With the roller touching the front of your ankles push the weight just hard enough to get it to go all the way up.
Do not stop at full extension, but rather lower it very slowly all the way down. Curl the roller up until it touches your butt, then lower slowly until legs are nearly locked out. Do 12 reps, 1 leg up stretch with each leg, increase weight, do 10 reps, stretch again.
Place feet low on platform with heels at the bottom edge, and lower deeply keeping knees in line. Women who do not want to build their thighs may want to substitute lunges see page 9 for this movement. This is a great size builder, but if you have trouble keeping your body in an erect position you may want to do front squat.
Women may want to substitute Sissy Squat for this movement where the upper body is erect and you squat deep down don't lock out at the top of the movement for 15 to 20 repetitions. This will not build size but will give a good pump to the thighs and tone them.
Hold the calf stretch for 15 seconds between sets. Increase the weight slightly on the second set. Standing Calf Raise Using a light weight with knees slightly bent, do 2 sets of 15 to 20 reps, holding at the top of each rep so you experience a burn in your calves at the end of each set.
Do the calf stretch for 15 seconds between sets holding the heels in the low position. Calf Raise on Leg P ress Ma chine Make sure the balls of your feet are on the platform, push toes up as high as possible hold for a count of 5 at the top of the movement and feel a burn in your calves at the end of the set. Do Calf stretch 15 seconds, increase the weight on the second set and do 2 sets of 15 to 20 reps, holding at the top of each rep for a burn.
Walk around the gym for a minute after each set and feel your calves pumping up. Holding each rep at the top of each rep, creating a burn at the end of each set, will pump your calves like never before when combined with stretching them 15 seconds between sets. After your calf workout your calves will be pretty pumped up and you may find it challenging to hop on a treadmill right away and run or do fast walking.
I prefer to do recumbent stationary bike after this kind of calf work for 12 to 15 minutes. A bit about cardio vascular exercise: An exercise is considered to have an aerobic effect when it raises your pulse to target level and you keep it there for at least 11 minutes. To find your target pulse, subtract you age from and multiply this number by 0. You can see this is not a very high target pulse but it is good when I am just getting back into regular aerobic exercise.
After my muscles get used to the aerobic movements I push my target pulse up to x 0. A total of one hour of cardio per week is enough to keep me in good aerobic condition, but when I push it up to 2 hours of total cardio a week the definition starts to come out. Experiment and find your own levels.
Lots of cardio is good if you want to get really lean, but if you want to carry more muscle mass there's a limit to how much aerobic activity you should do. Variations for Men and Women Women may want to do more cardio, especially on lower body days. My wife Christine does an hour on the treadmill several times a week at the end of each workout to stay lean.
Her workout consists of one set of 20 reps on each exercise, doing upper body twice a week and lower body twice a week. She goes through the exercises quickly, resting between sets only long enough to do the appropriate stretch for 15 seconds.
Along with a restricted calorie diet, she keeps her bodyweight down to at 5 feet 8 inches. So determine what your priorities are. If you want to build more muscle, do less aerobics. If you want a leaner look with smaller but firm muscles like most women do, do less weight training and do it for high reps with lighter weights and more aerobics. The Growth Program I used this workout plan when training for Mr. Olympia and it was very successful for adding muscle mass during those years I was at my best, between through It's a three way split routine emphasizing pulling muscles on day one, legs on day two, and pushing muscles on day three: Day 1 - Back, biceps, forearms, abs Day 2 - Thighs, calves, abs Day 3 - Chest, shoulders, triceps, abs This routine helped me grow because I incorporated one power lifting exercise into e ach workout.
On day one it was wide grip deadlift using straps not reversing one hand as this puts undue stress on the supinated hand and can cause a biceps tear - I've seen it happen.
I'd start my back workout with 6 sets of wide grip deadlift, the first three from the floor: for 15 reps warm-up, for 12, for 10; then I'd elevate the barbell so the plates would sit on crates a foot high, or I'd use a power rack. My first set would be 10 reps with from the knees up.
I'd rub oil on my thighs to slide the smooth part of the bar up the thighs until my upper body was leaning slightly backward, then lower the weight very slowly making sure that both ends of the bar touched the power rack pins at the same time. My next set was for 10 reps done the same way. I'd do plenty of stretching with the 2 arm lat stretch between sets and take my time before venturing into the next set.
My final set was with for 8 reps and sometimes I did another sets of pounds for 6 reps. My upper back, traps, and spinal erectors got much thicker doing this and my back got wider. In , training for Mr. Olympia, I worked up to 6 reps with pounds in this exercise and developed a great deal of massiveness in this area.
Next came T bar or leverage row, 3 sets of 12, 10, 8 reps increasing the weight each set and doing 2 arm lat stretch between sets. This is a great size builder for the low central lats. My favorite way of doing it became using a 7 foot Olympic bar with one end in a corner, small diameter plates on the other end and using an interlocking finger grip right behind the collar. My upper body would follow the weight downward, stretching low to the floor and the plates would touch my ribcage at the top of the rep.
The remainder of the back routine consisted of front pulldown, doing 2 arm lat stretch between sets, and one arm dumbbell row , doing one arm lat stretch between sets, all for 3 sets of 8 to 10 reps increasing weight each set. That gave me a total of 15 heavy sets for back. Then it was on to biceps. A favorite routine of mine was to start with one arm , 3 sets per arm heavier each 35,40,45 set 8 to 10 reps.
I dumbbell concentration curl ould deliberately hold the dumbbell for one second at the top of the curl and squeeze the biceps for peak contraction, and then start lowering the dumbbell very slowly.
Alternate dumbbe ll curl came next, 3 sets 8 to 10 reps increasing the weight each set I'd use something like 40, 45, 50 pounds. Each dumbbell would travel down and up completely before I curled the other dumbbell. Each negative would begin very slowly and I would pronate the dumbbell turn it inward on the way down. Finally 45 degree incline dumbbell curlwith lighter dumbbells, usually 12 reps with 30s, 10 with 35s, and 8 with 40s. I did a great deal of dumbbell work for biceps in those days, because it was the best.
You can curl and supinate turn your wrist outward at the top of the movement bringing your outer biceps into play. After a total of 9 sets for biceps, I'd tackle forearms withbarbell reverse curl 12 reps super-setted with se ate d barbe ll wrist c url 20 reps, two super sets of these. After each set of curls and forearm exercise I held the pronated arms back stretch for 15 seconds. This gave me a total of 15 sets for back, 9 for biceps, and 4 for forearms, adding up to 28 total sets in a workout, which proved to be enough for growth.
Because of the heavy deadlifts, I preferred to take the next day off from training because squatting was my main movement. Not a good idea squatting with a sore lower back. So after the rest day, I started my thigh routine with a few sets one of legged top extensions to get some blood in the knees, and then started my 6 sets of barbell squat see page 25 : for 15 reps, for 12 reps, for 11 reps, for 10 reps, for 9 reps, and for 8 reps.
I did below parallel squats doing slower negatives than positives. Next exercise was leg press see page 25 : 15 reps with , 12 reps with , 10 reps ith pounds. Leg presses always felt light after heavy squats and I did higher reps to get a good overall pump in the thighs. I never went extremely heavy inthis one, but concentrated on going deep into the negative and then not quite locking out at the end of the rep.
Then it was leg curls page 25 70 x 12, 80 x 11, 90 x 10 reps followed by one leg up stretch between sets. I ended the thigh work with 3 sets of leg extensions page 24 , x 12, x 10, x 8 on my trusty old Nautilus machine. Training for Mr. Olympia in I became very strong on this one, doing 10 reps with pounds. Calves were up next and I did calf stretch for 15 seconds after each set: Standing calf raise page 26 3 sets of 15 to 20 reps. I usually started calf work with this one, so it was always my lightest exercise, I wanted to get a good warm-up.
Too much weight gave me a sore neck or upper back so I seldom went over pounds. I kept my knees slightly bent so I could get a deeper stretch at the bottom of each rep. Donkey Calf raise is probably the best calf exercise. Only rest you get is when you are sitting on your partner's back 4 sets of 20 to 25 reps to a burn each set. Best if your rider is heavier than you. Seate d Calf Raise Seated calf raise is great for the soleus, the large muscle mass underneath the outer two heads of the gastrocnemius.
Since it's hard on the Achilles tendon, I always do this one last, usually one drop set, without rest doing x5, x 5, x 5, 90 x 5 to a maximum burn, then do calf stretch 15 seconds afterwards. Ab work ended the leg day routine, which was usually anything except hanging knee ups in order to give the upper body a rest. My main exercise on day three program was barbell bench presswith a shoulder width grip to put more emphasis on pecs, front delts, and triceps.
I'd take the bar off the rack and lower it to just below my pecs at the top of my ribcage very slowly, and as soon as it touched my pecs I'd push it up with just enough force to get it overhead, ending with my elbows not quite locked out.
I'd do doorway stretch between sets and my weights and reps were x 12, x 10, x 8, x 6, x 4, x 2. These were all done with slow negatives, I was very strong in those days, especially when training for Mr. I would nor could neveruse weights this heavy todayin my workouts. But I was at the peak of my training career, in my late thirties, with not a lot of injuries that prevented me from handling the heavier poundages.
You need to use heavier weights to stimulate deep down into the muscle, causing enough micro trauma, followed by proper rest, nutrition, and recuperation to enable the muscle to heal itself and grow bigger and stronger. Don't think that by using weights as heavy or heavier than I did that you will get the growth you want.
If you are not very careful I was you may injure yourself, and then it's back to square one, starting light again, resting more, and getting ongoing therapy. It's better to select lighter weights and do slower negatives so your muscles perceive the weights as feeling heavy, without being quite so heavy.
This also allows you to maintain good form during each of your sets and get a pump exactly in the area required. After I finished bench presses, I did70 degree incline dumbbell press , doing something like 60 pounders 10 reps, 70s for 8 reps, 80s for 6 reps, again with slow negatives, not quite locking out at the top of each rep. By now my pecs and front delts were really pumped and I'd keep doing doorway stretch between sets.
Next came 10 degree decline dumbbell flyfor lower outer pecs: 40s for 12 reps, 50s for 10 reps, 60s for 8 reps. I'd keep doing doorway stretch between sets and right after the stretch, do the "crab" most muscular pose holding it for 15 seconds to develop striations in the inner pecs. Then it was dumbbe ll pullover lying across a bench. This exercise worked a lot of areas but was my main movement for developing serratus.
It also expanded my ribcage, pumped up my lower pecs, and really developed the posterior head of my triceps. I got quite strong on this one and often did 12 reps with a 90 pound dumbbell, 10 reps with , and 8 reps with , doing the one arm shoulder stretch between sets.
My triceps were so pumped up after this one that I worked them next, starting with close grip bench press on the Smith machine if you don't have one, use a barbell. Hands ere 12 inches apart with my elbows pointed outward to emphasize my outer triceps, and I lowered the weight slowly to my chest, pushing it up to an almost locked out position.
One arm dumbbell extensioncame right afterwards, I'd hold on to a support and lean slightly backwards, making sure to let the weight down deeply behind my back and then, keeping my upper arm close to my head, not quite lock out at the top of the exercise.
I used 30 pounds for 12 reps, 35 pounds for 10, and 40 pounds for 8 reps, holding one arm shoulder stretch for 15 seconds with each arm between sets. This one really developed the rear head of my triceps. My final exercise for triceps was pressdown with close grip on a V bar on the lat machine. With elbows close to my sides, I'd lean slightly forward and press the bar down to a complete locked out position, then hold the lockout for one second on each rep.
Then I'd let the bar return slowly back to my upper chest and then push it down hard, again holding the contraction for a second. I usually did 70 pounds for 12 reps, 80 pounds for 10 reps, and 90 pounds for 8 reps doing arms back stretch between sets..
After triceps work I was ready to finish off deltoids. I'd already worked front deltoids ith the overhead dumbbell press, so all that was left now was an exercise for rear delts and something for side or lateral deltoids. Bent over dumbbell lateral raisewas my preferred exercise in those days. I'd get behind a T bar or the leg roller on a leg curl machine and lean as far forward as I could, grab not so heavy dumbbells and do something like 20 pounds 15 reps, Rear delt stretch followed each set.
My last exercise for delts was. Holding a cable handle in front of my side cable raise legs, I'd raise the handle across the front of my body until it was as high as my ear. I'd do 30 pounds for 12 with each arm, 35 pounds for 10, and then 40 pounds for 8 reps. Sometimes I'd do 3 sets of 12 reps with 30 pounds non-stop with each arm, no rest between sets to define the lateral delts and bring out the separation of the biceps, bracio-radialis, and triceps of the outer upper arm.
Ab work was always at the end of my workout and my plan was to gradually increase the total amount of reps right up until contest time until I was doing reps total each orkout. Often I came back to the gym later in the afternoon to do ht is and it usually took me a half hour of non-stop ab exercises to complete it. The minimum program was leg raise, 4 sets of 25 reps super setted with abdominal crunches 4 sets of 25 reps, followed by seated twists. As I progressed in my ab work I'd add to this program 4 sets of 25 reps hanging knee ups super setted with 4 sets of 25 two arm cable crunch ith 90 pounds, followed by more seated twists.
After that I'd ride the stationary bike for 15 to 20 minutes or run a slow mile and a half. How I did it then, How I'd do it now. Nutrition and pre-contest diet and preparation are covered in detail. Easy to follow progressive programs include: How to measure progress and stay motivated; How to stretch and get the most from your workouts; Methods for relaxation and maximum recuperation from workouts; healing injuries; How to win with your posing; Easy nutritious recipes; How to use food supplements; and most of all How to develop a body like Frank Zane.
It's concise and easy to follow, no guesswork, and you can use it go get in great shape and create the best body of your life. Kindle Edition First published August 12, Loading interface About the author. Frank Zane 46 books 13 followers. Write a Review.
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Nick Maverick. Some good advice and specific information for your training hint: less is more. Joy Gibson.
- Download PDF - Frank Zane - The Zane Body Training Manual [gyg33yxn8]
This third booklet explains exactly how he did it and tells how you can to do it too—to the best of your genetic capabilities.
Zane begins discussing his body and how the sport of bodybuilding has gone from awarding aesthetic, взято отсюда physiques like his to perfecting monsters of mass like Dorian Yates, Ronnie Coleman and Jay Cutler. Zane believes that the majority of the men on the planet want to look more like him—and a survey at IronManMagazine.
With a symmetrical, proportioned physique in mind, Zane lays out a full-body video copilot optical flares 1.3.5 program.
Zane is also a big proponent of stretching. He describes and includes photos of a number of good stretches, which research indicates посетить страницу источник increase muscle size on their own. One thing Zane is known for, besides his aesthetic physique, is his knowledge of nutrition, and this booklet is loaded with it. He lays out his complete daily eating regimen and explains glycemic index vs. Approximately 25 percent of my calories come from fat.
Every fourth day I eat more carbs to bring my total consumption up to match my protein intake. He also provides pdr number of simple, healthful recipes, such as high-protein pancakes, fish stew and yogurt berry pudding, and all of them are easy to prepare. Some take only five minutes.
He also expounds on mind, body and spirituality, including meditation, psychological steps to healing injuries, physique competition, supplementation and the art of posing, a section that includes a number of spectacular images of the Zane physique at its peak. All in all, however, this is what the title states—a training manual—and you will find a lot of muscle-building information as well as nody in its 63 pages, straight from the the zane body training manual pdf download free himself.
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